School Name

The Waterloo School



Our outreach service supports pupils and schools to maintain their mainstream placement by; implementing strategies, training staff, modelling resources and discussing teaching approaches.

The first step to receiving outreach support is by contacting Amanda Darke, please give brief details of the pupil, EHCP hours and any support from external agencies. Pupils need to have an EHCP to receive outreach from Waterloo.

Amanda will contact you to discuss the outreach offer and the completion of a referral form. Once outreach has been agreed a plan will be put in place, this can be a single visit with feedback however more often than not it will consist of several visits either virtual or in person over a term to support with the changes.

Staff training is also available through outreach from Waterloo, Amanda will be able to give you more details.

Please contact the office who can forward the message to Amanda. 


                Outreach Photo